"We believe that every child has natural and social rights, capacities, and responsibilities to develop their full potentials as human beings".
Children Vision Nepal (CVN) is a non-governmental, non political and non-profit making social organization that is struggling in different children welfare sectors in Nepal. It was registered at district administration office in Kathmandu dated on 5th August 2010 (sharawan 20th 2067 in Nepali Date B.S) coordinating to the registration Act 2034 B.S with registration number 80 and affiliated with Social Welfare Council (SWC) with registration number 30431 and registered under NGO federation of Nepal (NGOFON) with registration number CR-KAT-239.This organization is running by our own contribution believing that a drop of water is the source of ocean. It is being run by well qualified young and enthusiastic people of different sectors and location.
Children Vision Nepal is really fighting against for poor, hunger and uneducated children in Nepal who are not getting any care from the government. Our primary aim is to educate children as education is the main tool to march them for their destination. Due to poverty, various misconception, and conflict children are not getting chance for education which is the primary right of children. We believe, by birth all children are equal and can grow with equally capable in his or her inner interest, if they get chance to flourish in like environment. We are opening new horizon for poor, needy, underprivileged, orphan children by giving then shelter having homely environment, so that children do not feel them helpless or orphan. Our sole dream is to give quality education for the children with food, cloth and shelter so that the children can bloom fully with fragrance for society. We are establishing our own school and orphan home where the children can get food, cloth, shelter and quality education free of cost.
By supporting children we are trying to regenerate a family like environment as a new habitant from our small contribution that may change a big revolution in their future life. We are requesting to all parties, forum, company and private sectors for their constructive feedback and support to minimize the large scale of child labour in different parts of country. Support of public and private sectors organization and there affordable contribution is very useful to reduce the child labour and provide them quality education in homely environment.
All national and international organization, public and private sectors organization and civil societies should be very serious in this regards. The support of all level and helping hand from all level is the very essential to make an effective rescues plan to save children who are regularly victims form different types of child labour. Governments of Nepal, National and International organisations and humanitarian organization, and other international relief organization are not only the key responsible for implementing an effective role to reduce the problems and issue that is mention above.
Annually large scale of children is damaging their life due to poor economic background and poverty and they are forced to work as a labour in different factories and industries due to lack of implement of an effective and rescue base project or program in effective zone and areas of Nepal.
So that realizing the critical situation in this regards, your small contribution and supports would be a huge energy to provide the support for victims and deprived children who are looking help from all level.

"To relieve the hardship, distress and sickness of orphaned and abandoned children throughout Nepal through the development of family-based care with proper education as children can bring positive change to their community if they are empowered through education"
We are non-Profitable nongovernmental, non political Organization registered in Government of Nepal and affiliated with Social Welfare Council (SWC). This society is our own initiation and running by our own contribution believing that a drop of water is the source of ocean, founded by social activist. The mission of us is to encourage volunteers (national and international) to contribute in children’s education and sustainable community development that benefits the needy, underprivileged, poor people and community with own satisfaction.
By volunteering we want to share new perspectives and ideas that will ultimately change lives and communities. Volunteering in different sectors is meeting with different sectors’ people, which gives chance of interaction and explore the things.
By doing volunteering, we are opening new horizon for poor, needy and underprivileged children. Because our primary aim through volunteering is to educate children with providing chance for foreign volunteers to expose Nepali society. education is the main tool to march them for their destination.
In Nepal , there is two type of education – one is government and another is private , qualitative than government . Due to poverty, various misconception and conflict children are not getting even chance for government education. Which is primary right of children. We believe, by birth all children are equal and can grow with equally capable in his/her inner interest, if they get chance to flourish in like environment. We are opening new horizon for poor, needy, underprivileged, orphan children by giving them shelter having homely environment, so that children do not feel them helpless or orphan. We are giving quality education which is our 1st motto. We are nourishing them, providing cloth and doing medical care when necessary. So, that buds can bloom fully with fragrance for society.
Our sole dream is to give quality education for haves not children through haves children. We are dreaming to establish our own school and our own children's home. In school our children and outsider children also study and income from outsider children will help to run school and earning from outsider children will also help our children to get higher education as they continue. In children's home helpless and very poor orphan children sit for education.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Child labour situation in Nepal

Child labour situation

Child labour remains a major economic and social phenomenon in Nepal. According to the National Child Labour Survey undertaken in 1997 , 1.660 million children (26.6 per cent) out of the total 6.225 million children aged between 5 and 14 years in the country are economically active.
  • Among the 1.660 million economically active children, boys (54 per cent) outnumber girls (46 per cent);
  • Many of these children do not go to schools (14.54 per cent of the boys and 25.96 per cent of the girls) ;
  • The large part (94.7 per cent, 1.576 million) of the economically active children are engaged in the agriculture sector, mostly as unpaid family workers and partly as forced labour attached to their parents under debt bondage or similar other exploitative labour. Besides agriculture, working children are mainly involved in the services sector (27,000) and communications and transportation sector (26,000) ;
  • Based on several studies conducted under the IPEC Time-Bound Programme (TBP) , it is estimated that there are 127,143 children working in the worst forms of child labour — as bonded labourers, ragpickers, porters, domestic workers, in mines, in the carpet sector, and being trafficked. According to the same studies, the children involved in these forms of child labour start working between the ages of 10 and 14. In addition, more than one-third of them are illiterate, and a majority are school dropouts, who have been brought to their present workplace by their parents or relatives. It also appears that they all come from landless and relatively large families. Finally, more than 80 per cent of children trapped in the worst forms of child labour have migrated for work. With the exception of children bonded into agricultural labour and children working as long distance porters in the rural areas of Nepal, the vast majority of children work in urban areas.

Factors that generate child labour in Nepal can be summarized as follows:
  • On the demand side, while the society at large is aware of the ill effects of child labour, both to the individual child as well as to the nation, the existing societal attitude remains largely indifferent to it. Legal provisions on safeguarding child rights and preventing child labour are inadequate in enforcement and children continue to be hired as child labourers. In rural areas, children work mostly in the agricultural sector, while in urban areas, they can be found in almost all kinds of work requiring manual labour;
  • The supply side of this is characterised by illiteracy of the parents, lack of access to as well as low perceived value of education, disharmony and diminishing family support, subsistence livelihoods that push families, particularly in rural areas, to send their children to work;
  • The civil war was another factor contributing to child labour in Nepal. In rural areas, many families prefered to send their children to urban areas for fear of them being caught in the cross-fire, or becoming a victim of the security forces or Maoists. As a result, these children enter the child labour market and very often end up in the worst forms of child labour.
    Girl Crossing stone By Hammer

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